On the third day of Semester at Sea all the students on the boat sign up for various clubs and activities to do throughout the semester. One of the most popular ones is called Extended Family where the professors, lifelong learners, or other staff members adopt students into their families for the semester. For the past two weeks everyone on the boat has been receiving yellow slips of paper welcoming him or her into their new family. Each day I would eagerly run to my room and see if I had received the special slip. One by one each of my friends were adopted and went off to dinners and various activities with their new families. As the days passed with no sign of the yellow paper I grew more and more downhearted. At dinner I would look longingly from afar at the students and their new families happily conversing and eating together. I wished I was them. I was a lonely orphan surrounded by a blissfulness I couldn’t have. I had to face the question: would no one want me?
Tonight after dinner I approach my doorway dejectedly, but wait could it be? Had I received the golden ticket? I DID! I am now a part of the Guenther family! The Guenthers are from Germany and I am in Thomas Guenther’s International Management class. I have my first dinner with my new family tomorrow night. I have transformed from a lonely orphan to an elated adoptee!
So I have realized I have yet to share photos with you of the MV Explorer. Here is one of room, the top pool deck, and the Semester at Sea emblem on the side of the boat:

2/2/2010: Yesterday we crossed the International Dateline. Today at 12:00am we will go from Feb. 2nd to Feb. 4th. I will lose a whole day of life. In order to compensate for this sad occurrence Semester at Sea had a dance party. Here is a picture of the festivities:

Japan on Tuesday!
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