I'm sorry I have had such a delay in writing, I have been really busy and have had very limited access to internet.
On Monday, we ported in Hilo, Hawaii, which was announced to the entire boat via intercom at 5am. It was perhaps the best wake up call I have ever gotten. We departed the ship and went straight to the Hilo Airport to go on our helicopter tour over Hilo. We flew with Blue Hawaiian helicopters and they took us on a 50 minute journey over the volcano Mt. Mauna Loa, beautiful waterfalls that can not be reached via land, and finally over the aqua blue coast of Hawaii. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. We flew directly over the mouth of the volcano and were entrapped in the steam it was releasing. We saw the single house left in the lava ridden acres surrounding the volcano. The man living there has to be helicoptered out and his house will probably be destroyed within the next few months. It was a very interesting and depressing sight. As we flew over the coast we could see the MV explorer in port from above, as well as see almost half a dozen whales in the water. You could watch the water being emitted from their blow hole and see them jump and swim in the water. Unfortunately, all I took was video of the helicopter ride and my files are too big to upload on my blog. Hopefully I will eventually find a way to do it!
When we were back on land we rented a car and drove to the Hawaii Tropical Botantical Garden. We ate lunch at a very quaint restaurant overlooking the gardens and the ocean. We ate fish wraps, fresh papayas and bananas, and locally made macadamia nut chocolate ice cream (Hawaii provides 75% of the world's macadamia nuts). It was delicious and beautiful.
When we actually walked the botantical garden I was pretty sure I had landed on the Avatar set. The gardens opened up into a gorgeous beach coast. We saw a variety of native and nonnative plants of Hawaii and even caught sight of a mongoose.
While there I was able to send the native flowers of Hawaii back home to my parents. Here is the bouquet I sent:
When we left the gardens we went back to the boat and set off with other Semester at Sea students for a Luau experience with University of Hawaii-Hilo students. Although the University closely resembled Patrick Henry High School, it was still interesting to meet other students and listen to what they are studying and researching. When we left the University we went to a farm they owned on the outskirts of Hawaii. They had originally promised us a delicious and traditional Hawaiian luau with roast pig and dances. This is what we got:
As you can see, it wasn't the most appetizing meal I have ever had. I find it hard to believe Hawaiian food comes served up looking like we just got through a cafeteria line in prison.
1/25/2010: After we left the luau experience we went with about 50 other semester at sea students to a bar right near the port. We had a good time and sang karaoke with the locals. We found out the next day we were frequenting a gay bar. I thought all the tiny shorts and tank tops was just the fashion in Hawaii.
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